New webstore for Vävstuga

At last, we invite you to come shop at our beautiful new webstore!

We’ve been hard at work creating our webstore for you for the past several months, so we are terribly excited to announce it is finally here, and confident you will be thrilled with how much easier and more fun the Vävstuga shopping experience has now become. You’ll have an easy time finding all of our yarns, looms and equipment, books, and videos. We’ve also added thousands of beautiful photos (including carefully produced shots of our 130+ types of yarn and their 1000+ color variants!) and squirreled away lots of educational tidbits to help with your selections — things like our handy guide for how to choose a shuttle, book preview videos for some of our book titles, instructional mini-movies for how to use a specific product (like our ever-popular bobbin-winder), and more.

The very most exciting new feature is our phenomenal “Yarn Playground”

The Yarn Playground is Becky’s own invention that allows you to shop for our yarns as if you were at our store in person, pulling yarns off the shelf and playing with them on the counter. Our Playground allows you to gather your possible choices together and “play” with them until you get the combination of colors that is perfect for your project. You can get there from any yarn page. Simply drag your favorite yarn color swatches into the Mini-Playground on the left side of each yarn page, and switch to the full-page Playground when you need more room to play. JUMP IN AND EXPLORE! Yarn Playground
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